我估唔到我識左幾年,由做 net friend 開始講心事,之後發展到情侶關係,一直表現得最信任我,一直以黎我最愛最緊張既人會講 D 咁過份,咁冇品既說話。咩叫人性醜惡,咩叫擘大眼講大話,咩叫反轉豬肚,完全表現晒出黎。我根本唔可能相信一個人可以對得住自己良心講 D 咁既野。錯誤訊息?一廂情願?哈哈無條件盡心盡力去幫你借錢俾你個陣就 I love you I love you,宜家書唔駛讀錢又唔需要就係一廂情願既小動作!?係邊個自己廿四小時前先係電話同我講愛我?係邊個求我唔好憎佢?係邊個話同我一齊每一刻都好幸福?係邊個話過最想同我一齊生 活?係邊個話過好愛我會為左我放棄佢男朋友?係邊個話有超過 3/4 既心都係我到?你同我仲發生過講過 D 乜我都廢事係度講,我唔想演變到互揭瘡疤,唔想段關係終止得咁醜陋。但今晚咁既野你都講得出,真係要俾個叻你!我今日終於睇清楚你... 我居然為你做左咁多野... 不過我話過唔會後悔就唔會後悔... 係我係小朋友,至少我仲有愛仲有品格,唔似你個良心腐壞得咁緊要。
喂 Kathy 快 D 借本 Why Men Love Bitches 俾我。
Being with you
I thought of this little poem while having dinner tonight, this is dedicated to my beloved.
Being with youthere's nothing much I really wanna doJust close my eyesand know that you're mineDon't want anythingand don't wanna thinkDon't wanna sleepand don't wanna eatDon't wanna diebut just want the nightto cover us till the stars don't shine
Europe is our Playground?
自從上次的演出就不斷有朋友要求我給他們傳送及介紹 Suede 的歌曲。Dog Man Star, Coming Up, Suede 這些經典專輯當然少不了。尋找其間在 Sci-Fi Lullabies 看到一首已很久沒聽過十分憂怨淒美的歌曲:Europe is our Playground... 擴音器開始傳出 Brett Anderson 的歌聲,run with me baby... run with me baby... run with me baby...
今天在書局買了本名為「九型人格愛情」的書,內裡有些很有趣而且很準確的人格分析。遲些我會把一些書本內的內容寫上這個 blog,也許能幫助你更認識自己。
Finally over and Thank You...
多 謝女鼓王 Angel,你首鼓好好聽。雖然我知你唔係好 enjoy,但你仍然盡左你最大既努力去為我地每一首歌添上最生動既節奏。玩唔到 I was born to love you 真係好可惜對唔住,我知你好中意呢首歌因為我都好中意。最近先發覺原來同你傾計好舒服,多謝你係我最迷惘既時俾左最有智慧既指導我去面對我既感情問題。當 所有人都話我咁做點唔值得,點冇尊嚴既時候,係你教識我 just follow my heart,係你教識我假如放低尊嚴可以令自己舒服 D 其實所為尊嚴根本唔代表 D 乜,係你教識我應該點處理... 對唔住我成日咁慢條斯理,多謝你。Robert... I'm not sure if you are going to read this or not, but your guitar solo is just fuckin' awesome. Thank you for all your effort you put on Mr Crowley. Without you we won't be able to play such an amazing song. Without you our band is nothing.Rico I am proud of you. You're not only a really friendly person, a great brother, but also an amazing bassist. Sorry we didn't play Sweet Child, I know I am a selfish brother lol. You have great potential, keep working! Don't give up!
I'm starting to love this Ray Ban shades by the way.
What do you call a local bitch?
My Baby
Lets make our remaining days the happiest times of our lives okay? Okay. I really really want to spend at least one saturday night with you... :)今次我地有緣無份,雖然好多際遇上、性格上既巧合都做就我地,但就係時間上出左問題... 如果我地係有緣既,或者將來上天會憐憫我再俾幾會我地從頭開始過... 係咪?
Well I guess I don't have to tell you my story since now we know what each other is thinking. I'm glad that we were so truthful to each other in a peaceful and calm manner. Communication is the most important thing in human relationships afterall. I was kind of disappointed but at least I'm not so confused now...Sometimes human beings are really strange... You're hunger for love and care, I provided you with what you need and I need you to need me as well; We love each other and had the happiest and sweetest time together. But for some reasons the happier we are and the more I do for u, the further you run away. Too bad I am unable to heal your broken heart. Too bad you don't have the courage to save yourself. Too bad I'm not the only one you love.Right now I think I'm the best boyfriend on earth for what and how much I did. I'm really proud of myself because I am able to love someone with all of my heart and without any regrets.
Exit Music
Wake from your sleep, the drying of your tears, Today we escape, we escape. Pack and get dressed before your father hears us, before all hell breaks loose. Breathe, keep breathing, don't lose your nerve. Breathe, keep breathing, I can't do this alone. Sing us a song, a song to keep us warm, there's such a chill, such a chill. And you can laugh a spineless laugh, we hope your rules and wisdom choke you. And now we are one in everlasting peace. We hope that you choke, that you choke.
Tell me
我們能否永遠像昨晚般甜蜜?你是否願意永遠跟我熱戀?愛我請不要再傷害我,並在我耳邊說:「我願意。」今天沒有找你是因為我也害怕。不只是你,我也感到害怕的... 讓我們互相給予對方安全感可以嗎?
But deep inside I really really miss you and was just waiting for a message from you for the entire day...
I need to find...
Lord I need to find someone who can heal my mind...
"You're not perfect sport, and let me save you the suspense, this girl you've met she's not perfect either. But the question is whether or not you're perfect for each other."
I told you you might not not be perfect but you're pefect for me. But what I didn't realize is how about the other way round... You're perfect for me but I'm not your perfect one...
What is love?
I once thought I found love... but now I realized it was all an illusion...Maybe love is too deep for me to understand...
大嶼山及恐怖 SMS
經過昨晚我決定以後也盡可能不要再喝醉酒,hangover 的感覺很差,頭痛得很厲害。醒來時才發現原來自己在半小時內喝了 1/3 枝 Smirnoff,難怪... 但能夠遠離市區感受一下大自然及純樸的生活也很不錯。多謝朋友們的照顧及關懷尤其是 Michelle, Walter, Edmund, Robert 和 Kathy,Kathy 的 sms 完全令我明白到朋友的重要性,多謝。 離開時收到一個十分驚嚇的 sms:07/11 賬單已發出。自動轉賬金額 $ 1501.5 賬號 0412xxxx。 $ 1501.5!? No fuckin' way! This is fuckin' impossible... What should I do?... 最後,"Some very sweet drink" 好好笑...
Love without pain isn't really romance
或許我應該開始學會習慣每個早上電話仍是閃着藍燈的日子。或許我應該開始學會習慣 開啓 msn messenger 時看不見你傳來的來電震動。或許我應該開始學會不再每天定時閱讀你的 blog 及 history。或許我應該開始學會習慣不能再說我愛你。或許我應該開始學會以後不要再緊張你。或許我應該開始學會習慣不能再每晚作你的聆聽著的日子。或 許我應該開始學會不要再愛你。Love without pain isn't really romance. I still love you...
已有一段時間沒有 update 這個 blog。最近一直忙於 UCAS 及 IB 的事情,都抽不出時間去記下自己的感受... 而且有太多太多的話想說,只怕沒有機會,沒有時間... But there are some words I can't miss: 1. Happy birthday to Robert and Kathy. 2. I love you. Thank you for your cute and sweet poem...
無論發生咩事,我永遠都會企係你嗰邊,記唔記得我地啱啱識既時候你每晚都會同我分享你既煩惱,而我從來都冇離棄過你,以前冇,宜家,永遠都唔會。 就算全世界包括你自己都睇唔起你自己,我都唔會睇唔起你,我都會繼續關心你,繼續愛你。你永遠係我心目中都會係最美既。
47 個蘋果
我承認這段關係的確令我在某些事候感到十分難受,我亦承認曾在這數天內想過也許是 時候結束這段關係。但我卻做不到... 因為我對你仍有 47 個蘋果這麼愛。而且我想信我們彼此亦十分雖要對方。縱使你的 msn messenger list 及電話牆紙很討厭。