Finally over and Thank You...
多 謝女鼓王 Angel,你首鼓好好聽。雖然我知你唔係好 enjoy,但你仍然盡左你最大既努力去為我地每一首歌添上最生動既節奏。玩唔到 I was born to love you 真係好可惜對唔住,我知你好中意呢首歌因為我都好中意。最近先發覺原來同你傾計好舒服,多謝你係我最迷惘既時俾左最有智慧既指導我去面對我既感情問題。當 所有人都話我咁做點唔值得,點冇尊嚴既時候,係你教識我 just follow my heart,係你教識我假如放低尊嚴可以令自己舒服 D 其實所為尊嚴根本唔代表 D 乜,係你教識我應該點處理... 對唔住我成日咁慢條斯理,多謝你。
Robert... I'm not sure if you are going to read this or not, but your guitar solo is just fuckin' awesome. Thank you for all your effort you put on Mr Crowley. Without you we won't be able to play such an amazing song. Without you our band is nothing.
Rico I am proud of you. You're not only a really friendly person, a great brother, but also an amazing bassist. Sorry we didn't play Sweet Child, I know I am a selfish brother lol. You have great potential, keep working! Don't give up!
I'm starting to love this Ray Ban shades by the way.
Robert... I'm not sure if you are going to read this or not, but your guitar solo is just fuckin' awesome. Thank you for all your effort you put on Mr Crowley. Without you we won't be able to play such an amazing song. Without you our band is nothing.
Rico I am proud of you. You're not only a really friendly person, a great brother, but also an amazing bassist. Sorry we didn't play Sweet Child, I know I am a selfish brother lol. You have great potential, keep working! Don't give up!
I'm starting to love this Ray Ban shades by the way.
thank you. and i really did enjoy it. and i really did learn a lot from this:) trust me. i may not show it. but i do:) iii loveee youuu! hahaaa
By Anonymous, at 11:21 PM
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