由2005年10月5日至19日,透過地鐵資趣台及乘客資訊顯示系統邀請地鐵乘客 分享笑的理由,乘客可把笑的理由以手機短訊傳送至 6774 3134(中文訊息不超過三十字,英文不超過五十個字母)。地鐵公司、紀曉華先生及微笑行動將選出最出色的五個理由,在資趣台及乘客資訊顯示系統與其他地 鐵乘客分享,得獎的乘客將獲得由紀曉華先生送出的「帶著笑」購物布袋一個。
It's you. You are the reason behind my smile. "It's not about being perfect, it's about being perfect for you." Stop telling me you're not worth loving. I know you're nowhere near perfect but you're the perfect one for me. I love you. Make me smile everyday.
It's you. You are the reason behind my smile. "It's not about being perfect, it's about being perfect for you." Stop telling me you're not worth loving. I know you're nowhere near perfect but you're the perfect one for me. I love you. Make me smile everyday.
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