Requiem For a Dream

Monday, September 12, 2005

Requiem For a Dream

It is 4:57 at the morning and this is my first ever blog.

Yes it was a beautiful night. But it would be better if it was a Saturday night, do you agree? Saturday night do sound better than Friday night yea? We didn't dance and get car sick but at least you talked and smoked. "妙手仁心呢個 term 真係好貼切..."

Spent my Saturday night at home eating rice noodles rather than going to discos, casinos, peepshows nor freakshows. Rice noodles don't taste good but I guess it's good for sick people.

Flowers are always beautiful even though some might look ugly. 花的一生總是帶點遺憾的悽美,它們即使多美麗也逃不過凋謝的一刻,但我就是喜歡這種


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